Fun Fest

Every Monday we will do a trivia question at 6:00 pm on the Pettengill Academy Facebook page

The first person to type the answer into the comments will win a $5 Dunkin Donuts Gift Card
Only eligible to win once each Month, if no one answers correctly the amount rolls over to the next week.

September Fun Fest

On September 8, we will celebrate “Literacy Day”. They will read a book to the class and talk about the importance of literacy and reading.
On September 11, 12, 13, we will celebrate “Kids take over the kitchen Day”. This is a great opportunity to cook and practice an important life skill with your kid. Think of a recipe to do with your kid in the kitchen ( have them help you ). Talk to them about the steps and process of following the recipe. Take some pictures and show us how it turned out. We are doing this over 3 days so you can do breakfast, lunch, dinner ( or a brunch ).
On September 11, 12, 13, we will celebrate “Kids take over the kitchen Day”. This is a great opportunity to cook and practice an important life skill with your kid. Think of a recipe to do with your kid in the kitchen ( have them help you ). Talk to them about the steps and process of following the recipe. Take some pictures and show us how it turned out. We are doing this over 3 days so you can do breakfast, lunch, dinner ( or a brunch ).
On September 15, we will celebrate “Batman Day”. Show us your best Batman costume/outfit.
On September 20, it’s “Talk like a Pirate Day”. Time to show off your best Pirate accent or voice. Dressing up like a Pirate is totally encouraged ( no hooks, guns/pistols or swords though ).
On September 22, it’s time for a Fall Ball. A classroom party to celebrate the official First Day of Autumn.
On September 24, it’s Dreams Day. Here’s a chance to talk to your kids and find out what their dreams are. What they want to be when they grow up and what they want to do. You can share them on our Facebook post for the day.
On September 26, it’s Fitness Day. Even though it’s a Sunday, it’s a good time to talk about the importance of physical activity and fitness. Demonstrate a few stretches and exercises ( toe-touches, jumping jacks, etc. ) If possible include them in your daily workout routine, or go for a long walk, run laps. Take some pictures and show off your fit family.
On September 30, it’s World Gratitude Day. We end the month showing our gratitude, sometimes the world can be unkind and unfair. But it’s important to show and model a positive mindset and look for those moments we can appreciate.